Compression Stockings: How to Wear Them Properly

Varicose Veins

Compression Stockings: How to Wear Them Properly

Why Wear Compression Stockings Compression stockings provide graduated pressure to the leg, which helps keep blood moving in the right direction through the veins. If you have varicose veins, weak vein walls or valves allow blood to flow backward or

The Causes of Spider Veins

Spider veins, also called telangiectasia, get their name from the red or blue web pattern that often appears at the surface of the skin. They are similar to varicose veins except they are smaller and closer to the surface of

Prepare for Your Varicose Vein Treatment

Minneapolis Vein Center offers minimally invasive varicose vein treatment procedures, including sclerotherapy, ablation, and phlebectomy. These modern varicose vein treatments utilize advanced technology and techniques that produce excellent results for most patients while leaving behind only a tiny nick in

Varicose Vein Treatment: Conservative Therapy Options

Healthy veins carry blood from the extremities back to the heart, where it becomes oxygenated and then circulates throughout the body again. Sometimes, vein walls and valves become weak, and that allows blood to flow backward or pool in the

Managing Varicose Veins During Pregnancy

Varicose veins while pregnant are common. The bulging, bluish veins can be unpleasant to look at and may also cause some uncomfortable symptoms like swelling and heaviness. Varicose veins during pregnancy are caused by some of the many pregnancy-related changes

Should That Vein Be Removed?

If you’re considering varicose vein treatment, you probably have many questions. One common concern from patients is, “Do I need that vein?” The simple answer is “no,” but we’ll explain why. What Happens When the Vein is Removed The body’s

Top 5 Myths About Varicose Veins

A myth can be dangerous because it could prevent someone from seeking out the care they need to treat their varicose veins. If left untreated, varicose veins could develop into a more serious condition. We’re debunking 5 of the most

All About Compression Stockings

Compression stockings can provide much-needed relief from pain and swelling caused by varicose veins and may also aid in the prevention of deep vein thrombosis (DVT). If you’re imagining compression stockings as ugly and clinical-looking, think again! The compression stockings

Varicose Vein Treatment for Men

Varicose veins aren’t just something your mother and grandmother get. Varicose veins affect men almost just as much as women; about 40-45% of men in the United States have some type of vein problem. The good news is that varicose

5 Things Not To Do If You Have Varicose Veins

Most cases of varicose veins are caused by factors out of your control, like heredity, gender, and age. However, you may be doing some things that are contributing to the condition getting worse. Here are 5 things you should stop doing


Contact Us


Minneapolis Vein Center
2800 Campus Drive, Suite 20
Plymouth, MN 55441
Phone: (763) 398-8710
Fax: (763) 398-8711

Office Hours

Monday – Friday
7:00 am – 5:00 pm

Saturday – Sunday

Temporary Detour

Hwy. 55 Eastbound between I-494 and Hwy. 169 will be closed for construction from October 7 to October 16.

If you plan on traveling in the area, you can use the following detour:
Southbound I-494 to eastbound I-394 to northbound Hwy 169.

Wishing you safe travels!
The MVC team